
Showing posts from February, 2023

Rahsia Resepi Burger Sedap.

 Rahsia Resepi Burger Sedap. 1. Wajib guna daging 70g.. xyah la dok save sgt nk pi haji blk hari.. tak untung mana pn.. meniaga kena jujur.. harga nk letak mahai, daging hok nipih.. apa dia.. 2. Masak daging, jgn tekan.. bila tekan, jus daging akan kluar.. pasai tu daging jadi kering.. alih2 kan saja.. boh planta sikit.. sikit ja.. jgn sampai banjir.. dlm daging tu sendiri dh ada minyak.. 3. Daging tu lubang2kan saja.. tak belah tengah pn xpa.. pastu letak la seasoning.. aku suka lea and peirin.. btui ka dak eja.. maggi pn ok.. letak la lada skit.. terangkat la.. 4. Ayaq bawang putih.. ayaq ni utk menggantikan jus daging yg hilang.. so daging akan jadi juicy.. curah skit masa daging dh masak.. nk buat dia, potong bawang putih, boh dlm ayaq kosong ja.. boh dlm botoi, tudung botoi buat lubang2 skit.. 5. Guna api sederhana.. api yg kuat juga akan keringkan daging.. 6. Roti tu boh la planta bagi penuh.. xyah dok sep sgt.. roti letak ja atas kuali.. jgn tekan.. geng lama2 pakai kayu.. u...


  UNTUK ANDA YANG TENGAH "PENING" DENGAN MASALAH HUTANG YANG BERTIMBUN-TIMBUN! MARI SAYA TUNJUKKAN KEPADA ANDA! BAGAIMANA ANDA BOLEH MEMBEBASKAN DIRI ANDA DARI MASALAH HUTANG DAN HIDUP DENGAN LEBIH TENANG! Assalammualaikum & salam sejahtera sahabat! Pada zaman kini, sememangnya agak sukar untuk kita hidup tanpa hutang! Nak sambung belajar, nak beli kereta, nak beli rumah... semuanya  memerlukan  pada jumlah  wang yang agak besar , dan sememangnya,  tidak ramai yang berkemampuan  untuk mendapatkan semua perkara itu secara tunai! Nak tak nak, kena juga berhutang! BERHUTANG  itu TIDAK SALAH!  Yang menjadi kesalahan, ialah apabila tidak mahu membayarnya! Hakikatnya... tiada cara lain untuk selesaikan masalah hutang..  KECUALI ... satu cara sahaja...iaitu, dengan cara...  BAYAR HUTANG! Persoalan yang lebih tepat dan perlu ditanya!....  Bagaimana untuk membayar hutang? Hah! Soalan ini lah yang ingin saya kongsikan jawapannya! ...

Reach your subscriber goals even faster..... 7 Ways to Get 1000 YouTube Subscribers Faster

  Do you want to generate 1000 subscribers on YouTube as fast as possible?' #1 Create evergreen content that attracts new viewers regularly . Content like this remains relevant and fresh long after it’s been posted. Typically, these are how-to guides, tutorials, or informational videos that have a long shelf life because this type of content will always be in demand. They’re videos that viewers will constantly be searching for in your niche leading to a steady stream of views and new subscribers over time. For example, how to get a six-pack, makeup tips for beginners, the top 10 best strategy games of all time, tips for studying. These types of videos are interesting today, tomorrow, and years from now.  We knew that every year new creators wonder how the  YouTube algorithm   works, so we created a video explaining everything creators need to know about the YouTube algorithm. Alth...

Ultimate Job Interview Tips: How to Convince Employers You’re Right for the Job

  Before the job interview Many candidates think about how to prepare for the interview itself but don’t pay enough attention to what they need to do beforehand.  You may have already covered some of these things when you sent your application. But it pays to brush up on all the information and details that can help you be your best during your interview. 1. Research the company. Since you have already applied for the job, you may already have a basic idea about the company you’re applying to.  But, it’s best to familiarise yourself with the most essential information about the company ahead of the interview. You will most likely get asked what you already know about their nature of business, mission and vision, and company culture.  Confidently answering them about what you know will be a plus point and send a message that you’re genuinely interested in being a part of the organisation. 2. Learn as much as you can about the role. As with the point above, it’s best t...

Bitcoin Price Today

 The price of Bitcoin is flat again this week, firmly establishing itself at around $23k.  Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by total value, is changing hands for just over $23,200 at time of writing on Wednesday morning – a 1% increase since last Wednesday.  Ethereum, meanwhile, is trading for $1,641 at the time of writing, up more than 6% over the past seven days. It seems the markets are still in thrall to inflation news, with investors yesterday apparently cheered by comments by Jerome Powell, the Chair of the US central bank.  Powell repeated remarks from a week ago that the "disinflationary process had started", making further interest rate rises less likely. His comments saw Bitcoin immediately climb, while the S&P 500 closed up 1.3% yesterday. Register LUNO account for free: